The Health & Nutrition Coach

400 foods tested - Results in 3-5 days – Meal plans – Supplement advice – Accredited laboratory

Nutrition Consultation

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What happens during a nutrition consultation? Whether you want to lose weight, explore deeper into health concerns, compile an eating plan for your whole family, or simply improve your diet, a nutrition therapy consultation with Yvonne can help you achieve your goals.

Prior to the session, you will be asked to complete a 3-day food diary. During the session, Yvonne will discuss with you in more detail your health and medical history and family medical history, as well as exploring your lifestyle and eating habits and your current symptoms and concerns, energy levels, mood, etc.

Yvonne will explain what she believe’s may be causing your symptoms, and if appropriate may recommend herbal medicine, reflexology or food intolerance testing. You may also need to have Iridology- a non-invasive tests that provide insight into the function of key body systems, helping to pinpoint where support may be needed to achieve your health goals.

Based on your unique requirements, a nutrition protocol will be developed that suits your lifestyle and will allow you to achieve your health goals. This may include dietary changes, lifestyle adjustments and super food supplement recommendations. All adjustments will be discussed and agreed and you will receive a plan to take away with you. Initial consultations last 1 hour, and follow-up consultations (usually 4- 5 weeks later) last 45 minutes. ​ This consuation is paired with iridology to give you more insight into how your body is functioning on the inside we can address what you put into your body from the outside! To read more on Iridology please click here.
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