The Health & Nutrition Coach

Iridology - The Window To Your Health

Iridology is the study of the iris – the coloured part of the eye – and how it shows psychological health risks and physiological conditions, challenges and strengths of different organs. Iridology points out areas of blocked energy in the body and also helps to identify a sluggish organ or a weak nerve supply to a particular organ. This sluggishness or weak nerve supply causes fatigue and imbalance in the body. Once these areas or organs are identified we then work to develop a nutrition plan along with herbal medicine to bring balance back. Because everyone’s iris is individual it means your health plan created by me, your therapist will also be individual. This is not a one shoe fits all approach to health. The health plan I create for you will depend on your iris markings. See image above as an example of those markings.

What Does Iridology Show?
1.Constitutionally inherited strength and weaknesses and the location of areas of the body and organ systems which need more attention than others.
2. The current health status of a person with reference to accumulation of toxins and identification of the elimination channels which need herbal and dietary support. 
3.Iridology can also point to underlying areas of emotional and spiritual challenge and opportunity which are connected to any addictive dietary patterns or lifestyle imbalances implicated in a patient current health status.

Iridology yields a vast amount of information about the mind/body relationship and the primary cause and ultimate treatment of disease.   

In more detail Iridology:

is the study of the iris of the eye for the purpose of identifying inherent strengths and weaknesses, on physical, emotional and mental levels. It offers a practical guide to maintaining optimal wellness and preventing possible health risks. The iris is composed of hundreds of thousands of nerve endings that are connected by impulses to every tissue of the body via the brain and nervous system. Eye colour, fibre integrity, pigmentation and specific markings on the iris indicate your inherited predispositions and current health of body tissue. Iridology does not diagnose disease but reveals the under or over activity of organs, inflammation, and levels, location and type of acquired toxicity.

What can iridology tell me?

Eye colour forms the basis of an iris diagnosis and defines what is termed as a person’s constitution. There are three basic constitutions: Lymphatic (blue and grey iris colour), Haematogenic (brown iris colour) and Mixed Bilary (green/hazel iris colour). The constitution, like eye colour is an inherited characteristic and is informative of inherited physical, emotional and mental conditions. The next step in iris diagnosis is to determine disposition, which is to establish the inherited conditions a person may be pre-disposed to developing. Inherited conditions can remain latent while some will become active. When defining disposition the iridologist looks to the texture and formation of the stroma (fibres) of the iris. Thirdly diathesis is defined. Diathesis denotes the genetic disposition to illness, which may be inherited or acquired through one’s own dietary and lifestyle habits and will usually be indicated by an overlay of pigment in the iris. Iridology charts accurately map or correlate the major organs and parts of the body with specific zones of the iris. By observing structural signs, patterns and pigment deposits in the iris as well as pupil size and tonus, the Iridologist can accurately diagnose the state of health and condition of vital force within the body.

What are the benefits of iridology?

Knowing your inherent weaknesses can help you to identify and correct imbalances sooner rather than later. Iris analysis is painless and non-intrusive and can provide valuable insights into your physical, emotional and mental health. As a preventative measure it can highlight where poor nutrition, dehydration, stress or lack of exercise is undermining your body’s natural healing ability. “It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has.” ~ Hippocrates Iridology can provide an array of information, including emotional influences that may be impacting your food and lifestyle choices, whether you are more responsive to audio or visual information and what are most likely to be your natural talents. It works seamlessly with nutrition and herbal medicine to support effective decision-making. Your iris analysis enables me to identify the key dietary and lifestyle changes, herbal remedies and healing protocols that will benefit you most, and how you can initiate positive dietary and lifestyle changes in a way that fits who you are and how you live your life.

To go ahead with this service, please place your order online, send us the images of your iris and your consultation form and we will be back to you withing 5 days with your report. 

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